Admission and Application

Get more information about the notice and admission criteria to participate in the Level II Master’s degree, participation fees and other useful information for the placement process.



Send the application form by

JANUARY 31th 2024

to the e-mail address:

Regulations and admission notice

Admission criteria

  • Holders of a university degree belonging to all Master’s degrees and specialist degrees and without restrictions on the faculty of origin can participate, without age or citizenship limitations, in consideration of the multidisciplinarity of the postgraduate course.
  • Holders of a degree awarded by an Italian university based on the system prior to the university reform of the Ministerial Decree 509/99 (equivalent to one of the aforementioned degrees, as per the ministerial table) can also access the postgraduate course.
  • Only holders of a foreign qualification need to verify and evaluate their qualification via the ARDI platform in order to be admitted to the postgraduate course.

Admission methods and procedures

  • Interested candidates are required to send an application form following the guidelines indicated in the Call for applications and they are required to pay the admission test fee following the guidelines indicated in the notice, under penalty of exclusion. The entry test fee must be paid even in the absence of a selective test.
  • Upon expiry of the Call for applications, the representatives of the postgraduate course will start the selection and admission procedures, which will end with the publication of the list/ranking of the candidates admitted in the course. It will be published on the University website on the dedicated page.
  • The Level II Master’s degree representatives will inform those admitted about the start of the teaching activities.
  • Those admitted are required to pay the tuition fee within the terms indicated below and following the guidelines indicated in the Call for applications, under penalty of exclusion.
  • Only after completion of the aforementioned requested payment, the candidates admitted to the postgraduate course will be regularly enrolled for the academic year 2023-2024 at this University.

Requirements for the application form

The application form, a copy of a valid identity document and the candidate’s CV are required in order to apply for the postgraduate course.
The initial payment required includes sending a copy of the payment receipt for the entry test fee of €51.00.
Holders of foreign qualifications: copy of the Declaration of Value or Diploma Supplement or CIMEA (Academic Equivalence Mobility Information Center) certification or the professional qualification decree issued by the Ministry of Health.

Admission test

  • The admission test will be held on February 6th 2024 at 09.00 am at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences. The test consists of an interview in which the candidate will be asked about the CV, experiences and reason for interest in medical devices.

Amounts and tuition feed deadline

  • Total Master’s degree fee: €9500
  • Amount of the first installment (equal to the full amount or 50% of it): €4750.00 to be paid by the February 29th 2024
  • Second installment amount: €4750.00 to be paid by May 30th, 2024